How to Build Laravel Web App from Scratch

All through this little series, we'll make our own special Instagram duplicate, called Instapics. This little application licenses you to post, as, and remark on photographs, as well as follow different clients. Considering that, might we at some point make a jump!

Stage 1: Download Laravel and Other Project Files

Before we start, we should first confirm that we have a design that can keep up with Laravel. As exhibited by the documentation, Laravel requires the going with:

PHP 5.3.x - Laravel utilizes a ton of PHP 5.3-express parts, similar to terminations, late-static binding, and namespaces.

The FileInfo library - is locked in clearly in PHP 5.3, yet on Windows frameworks, you could have to add the development in your PHP.ini design record.

Mcrypt library - this is utilized by Laravel for encryption and hash age, and ordinarily comes pre-given PHP.

Exactly when we're finished setting up the climate, we should download Laravel and each of the libraries we'll use for Instapics. Download the going with records and spot them inside a web-open envelope:

Laravel - (Currently v3.2.1)

Twitter Bootstrap - (Currently v2.0.4)

jQuery - (Currently v1.7.2)

Inside Laravel's root envelope, you'll track down a public facilitator - this is where all uninhibitedly open records ought to be dealt with. Laravel v3.2.1 has some premade organizers inside the public envelope for our resources, CSS, img, and js facilitators. Place the Twitter Bootstrap and jQuery chronicles in their differentiating envelopes.

Stage 2: Setup Laravel's Encryption Key, Pretty URLs, and Virtual Host

Before we make any code, we react to set an encryption key for Laravel to use for our application. Laravel utilizes this to encode any information we could require encryption for, like treats. Open the application/config/application.php record and track down the key setting. Inside, the default worth will be YourSecretKeyGoesHere!.

Then, open up a Terminal/Command Prompt, inspect Laravel's root record, and use Artisan to make a key:

PHP expert key: make

This ought to regularly make an unusual 32-character encryption key for Laravel. Tolerating that you did this exactly, it ought to now have all the earmarks of being the going with:

To recover your key, basically go over the means!

Then, we want to steer activity so it can perceive pretty URLs and work even without coordinating our deals toward index.php. In the application/config/application.php record, search for the going with:

Tolerating essentially for the time being that you're utilizing this, you want to guarantee that you have mod_rewrite connected on your web server (assuming you're on Apache).

Finally, we'll have to set up a virtual host for Laravel. This isn't required for an improvement climate, all the while, for creation, we mustn't permit authorization to the Laravel library and application records. As alluded to above, in the Laravel reports you ought to see a facilitator, called public, which is where all wholeheartedly open records ought to go

Arranging a virtual host depends when upon the web server you're utilizing. Here is a model for the Apache Web Server:

We ought to comparatively add the locale,, to our host's records (since this space doesn't exist). In Windows, change the record C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts; in Linux/OSX, you regularly change, and so forth/has. Add this line to the report:

This will illuminate our machine that the space will set out to, which is the nearby PC.

Stage 3: Setup Routing

In Laravel, all deals to the application are needed as far as possible or regulators by Routes. They are responsible for setting up the application where URLs go. For instance, tolerating we needed to convey the home view record, we can make the going with the course inside routes.php, tracked down inside the application envelope:

On the other hand, if we rather need to course to a Controller, say, the home.php regulator, we could complete something like this:


This would course to the home.php regulator file. Any development system there will be made open also.

Something essential to note here is that unsurprisingly, Laravel doesn't course to the regulators as other PHP structures do. This is my plan. Along these lines, we can make major pages without the need to make a regulator for them. For instance, to make a static Contact Us page that once overs down contact data, we can just complete something like this:

Route::any('contact us, work()


    return View::make('');


This will course with us and render the application/sees/home/contact-us.php record. Since we have areas of strength for no with on this page, we can just ordinarily convey the view record, saving us an important opportunity to subsequently make an arrangement for a regulator to do.

There is a significant sum more that we can do with Routes in Laravel that it can remain in seclusion as its instructive action. Stuff like:

HTTP Verbs - Laravel connects with us to make courses, taking into account the HTTP action word that was utilized in the mentioning. For instance, we can have a GET mentioning to the/home course head off to a spot not identical to where the POST deals would go.

Dependable victors - this licenses us to thoroughfare a URL with special case respect joined to it (for example/client/(: num) where (: num) is the client's ID)

Channels - these let us run some supportiveness ahead of time or after a course is executed, subject to the course that was called. For instance, we can make an auth channel that will be called before all courses, aside from the home, and about courses. In CodeIgniter, these are like Hooks, however considerably more immediate to do, taking into account the way that the channels depend upon the courses - so we can execute them for all deals or fundamentally some.

For this web application, nevertheless, we just need a couple of courses. Starting, a course that maps all deals to regulators ordinarily. Open up the routes.php report, and remark out the default course to the Home regulator:

Under this piece of code, add the going with the line:


This line will plan every one of our deals to the regulators as a whole. There is no such thing as though the regulator or activities, the design will return a 404 reaction.

At this point, created make a course for Honestly, we can essentially make an about regulator, yet that would be a mishap since we can just put that inside the Home regulator. Add the going with line after the course we made:


Route::get('about', 'home@about');

This course will guide all deals to to the Home regulator, and the About activity.

Stage 3. Make your First Laravel Controller

Regulators in Laravel are tracked down inside the application/regulators facilitator. CleTheme regulator will perceive demands moved off the underpinning of the Laravel application. For instance, going to go to the Home->action_index() system.

To make a regulator, fundamentally make a record inside the application/regulators envelope. By show, we'll need to name the record something illustrative that will correspondingly be the name of the regulator class. Until extra warning, we should make another regulator for our login structure, called "Login":

Then, open your program and visit From here, you ought to see the "test" examine message that we put. Since, in the routes.php record, we set it to empower courses to the regulators as a whole, this ought to work with nearly no extra strategy. Exactly when you've affirmed that it's working, simply clear out the examine message. We'll get back to this regulator in a future article.

For the present, salute yourself; you've made your most vital Laravel regulator!


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